Monday, October 24, 2011

My parents' mission letter!

Hello  friends, alumni, Facebook friends,   I wanted to share with you all what changes are about to take place in our life. As of December 21st I will be leaving IRCS to go to work full time for a mission organization called TWR – Transworld Radio.  This is a ministry that broadcasts the gospel along with Bible study materials into areas where traditional missionaries are not always able to go. 

    As I walked through our Christian book store this weekend I was amazed at the amount of Bibles and study materials available to us.  We have so many translations available, audio, video , children’s Bibles,

Women’s Bibles, couples Bibles, Study Bibles, Spanish Bibles, Bible dictionaries, Commentaries galore,  Christian music cds, Christian movies, fiction books, Christian living books, devotionals etc…. Yet when we look around the world we see many areas where just to be in possession of a Bible is a criminal offense.  The shelves are empty.

So, Daryl, my husband, and I asked God if there was any way we could get involved in helping those people around the world with little or no access to His Word.  The option came to get involved with TWR.  We will be moving to the Pacific island of Guam in the new year to work at a station that broadcasts into China and eastern Asia.

Not everyone can pack up and move to the other side of the world to do this, but there is one way you can help.  We will be totally living on support from Christians who want to make an difference in this area of ministry. We are required to raise 100% of our support needs before we can leave.  Because Daryl is retired from the military we are able to provide 55% of this from the retirement pay.  We also have a generous contribution from our local church and commitments from friends and family.  We are so close to our goal.  We are currently at 91% of our monthly requirements.  Will you consider helping us with a monthly commitment to the ministry.  If not monthly would you consider helping with our moving costs with a one time gift.  If we work together, we can make a difference in our world.  Just think… where would you be is you never knew of God’s love for you!

Thank you for considering this.
