Saturday, April 30, 2011

The Span of His hand is as vast as the universe.

Friends, this will be a succinct, laceless post today. My Internet refuses to work at the house (even though it has 5 bars); so I'm typing from my iPhone. I know, it's a rough life. Pardon my spelling errors today (and today only). I made a commitment to write about God's many attributes over the next 40 days in memory of His 40 days on earth after rolling away the stone (Great, now I have a Mumford and Sons song playing in my head).

But Internet woes aside, I have found God to be both logistical and timely. It's my blog; so I can write about 2 character traits if I want. I can write about 10 if I wanted.

Logistics. I can appreciate this one. Growing up, I was an imaginative little kid. My friend Steven, Emily and I once planned to tie a bunch of balloons on a chair and fly. Oh, to soar far above Woodbridge AFB, maybe even make it to Bentwaters down the road. We aimed high. Pun intended.

Never once did we consider the flight and wind patterns, the fact that 3 kids and a thousand helium balloons and a lawn chair might look a bit suspicious, how we would go to the bathroom, and how we would get down when it was lunch time. None of that mattered because we were Ballers. We needed a logistical mind to come in, to make sure all those deets were covered.

Thank God that I don't run the world. I'd eff it up pretty quickly. God gives us a purpose and a path. Instinctively, I'm gonna look down and see a rickety rope bridge, and tell God, "Yeah right."  But He's got all that covered. As The Span of His hand is as vast as the universe, He can surely catch my lanky self IF the ropes break. Plus, He's already walked the path; so He knows where the road narrows, when the weather is going to get turbulent, and when I'm going to take pit stops to buy my slim jims and cheese puffs. He's made the way, and He will see us through to the end.

Finally, God is a timely God. I had it in my head that a particular situation was supposed to happen in a particular sequence. I had a strategic plan, and I sure didn't need God to mess that up. But thanks that He did. He started giving me a hard time from Monday night. Stripping away each brick I had laid. Then, He put a chapter in the Bible in it's place. Or a friend's advice. Or a little chat with Daddy Ren. We don't have lengthy heart to hearts often. We have an unspoken bond more often. But God knew I needed a word. Good thing He knew. All this to say, my plan for success was another lawn chair situation, in need of a side cooler and an outhouse attached. But He knew I wouldn't listen to logic all at once. That would be silly. So over the course of a week, He has cleared plan A, and replaced it with Plan "Awesome".

Thursday, April 28, 2011

My God, You're Beautiful

Immediately, as I thought of the title of this post, I was reminded of my mom's obsession with Keith Green when I was a kid.  She had his records (yes), tapes, and CDs playing all throughout the house.  Until my sister Emily broke the needle on the record player.

But Mama Renshaw's quirks aside, God really is beautiful.  We see glimpses of it in nature, ideas, people, miracles.  I'm a miracle myself (but that story, another time).

Today's post cites my college roommate Jessie.  An genuine example of God's beauty displayed.  She was such an open vessel, willing to be used by God.  It manifested in her writing, her deep friendships, her generosity, and her many artforms (dance, painting, writing).  We are all blessed by her willingness to share vulnerable thoughts and writing with the world.

This summer, Jessie is on her way to Italy to serve in a dance ministry.  Italy - the hub of such art movements as the Renaissance and modern fashion.  (side note: she is still needing support, so please give to her cause!)

When I think of the beauty of dance, the first partystarter, King David comes to mind.  Coming home from battle, he's swinging his arms in the air.  I imagine he probably did a running-man ALMOST as good as my own.  Royal garments rockin' all around.  Completely undignified, but God liked it anyway.  God doesn't require us all to dance in pirouettes and pas de bourree to put a smile on His face.  And it was God alone who David desired to please.

Not even David's first wifey Michal would stand between David and his first love.  Lesson to the wise, don't make fun of your husbands dance moves lest ye be punished by God Himself..

For the non-KSV story of David's Ultimate Dance Party Royale, see II Samuel 6

Wednesday, April 27, 2011


I can remember my thoughts about moving to South Florida back in 2005.  Palm Beach is a high fashion region with a lot of old money.  Celebrities, politicians, and old money millionaires and billionaires have these gigantic homes all throughout the island (though they seldom even come to reside in them).  Flagler Drive (named for Henry Flagler) runs along the sea wall and intercoastal waterway.  The island's famous shopping street boasts all the famous names in the fashion industry, and it can be a bit overwhelming to walk down the street; so I just occasionally included it in my running route.  Just to give you an idea: the local Palm Beachers protested the introduction of a Starbucks onto the island because they were fearful of all the riff-raff it would invite.  And my new school was less than 2 miles away.  I didn't trust myself not to be consumed by my own thoughts of "have and have not".

In all the external beauty of perfectly manicured lawns and symmetrical palm trees, God still whispers to His people, calling them to a higher purpose.  Sitting there with my big sunglasses and new spring season sundress, reading my Bible, I began to see just how easy it is for something else to take the place of God.  The dress wasn't the problem.  It's just fabric.  It was my cold heart in the middle of the 90 degree heat.  Even 100% humidity couldn't soften a spiritual stone.

The same God who has all authority to tell those palms to grow high into the cloudless sky, to set one salty wave on top of the next, to pass the time on the clock at Tiffany's - He also has the power to tear down all these things if He so chooses.  Driving back to Palm Beach County after Hurricane Wilma, seeing all the palm fronds laying in the street, the street signs hanging diagonally, it was a lesson in the fleeting nature of "things".  If we cling too tightly to the creation, the Creator often needs to remind us who and what is ultimately worthy.

God is worthy of all our praise, dear friends.  Praise for his new mercies every day, for the beauty of His creation, for allowing us to take part in His purpose here on earth.  One day shortly after Wilma, I decided to make something of the disaster.  So I picked up a few pieces of the debris on my run.  Now, on my wall back in Florida, there still hang two palm fronds with these words of encouragement: Though sorrow lasts for the night - His joy comes in the morning!

So now when I can get back to Palm Beach island, and walk down Worth Avenue again (even the name asks you to determine who/what is worthy), I can now appreciate the beauty we can make in this short life while also praising the One who allows us.  Because He loves us all.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

He is faithful even when I'm not

My God is able to carry me through the deepest valleys and the murkiest water.  I cannot describe how absolutely drenched in sweat and tears I've been about a few situations in my life as of late.  And yet I can still hear God saying, "Katie, I got this.  I'm God for crying out loud."  (KSV - Katie Standard Version)

The idea of faithfulness is similar in structure to "fidelity".  We harvest many of our words and ideas from the Latin root "fidel":

Some good (semper fi, fidelity, confidence..)
Some needing assistance to return to good (yes, Fidel Castro's mother had the best of intentions when she named him)

So no matter the situation, no matter how far we feel from God's presence, we need only turn around to see He has been faithful and remained all along.

Psalm 139 - Read it.  Have a good cry as you read David's description of God even being with him in the farthest reaches of the seas.  It's a must read.

Monday, April 25, 2011

My God, How great Thou art!

God is a God of Truth

Friends, there is a Truth, and it can be known!

I still struggle with some major debates of the faith, and while I know my salvation is assured, I have been desperately trying to work through some questions I have.  No, I have not arrived at the upper rungs, but God's promise is that He will reveal His mysteries in His time.  In Paul's letter to the Philippians (chapter 3), he describes the goals he is set to achieve.  The goal for the heavenly call of God in Jesus Christ.  And here is the verse that drives home the point (that God will reveal all things to us in time).  3:15 states, "Let those of us who are mature be of the same mind; and if you think differently about anything, this to God will reveal to you."

Some of the best advice I've received about the function of the church is this: Unity in the essentials.  Liberty in the nonessentials.  And CHARITY above all things.  Friends, here on earth, we will most assuredly get some doctrine wrong.  But don't let these hang-ups stand in the way of seeking Truth and Love.  Charity above all things.

Shoutouts to Philippians, Romans, Ephesians, Galatians, Isaiah, and the gospels.  2011 has been a year of indescribable joy for the growth God has permitted me through His ultimate authority.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Brought to you by the letter "N"[earsightedness]

Driving up the GW Parkway yesterday, I had to adjust my focus.  Thank goodness I did.

The depressing reality is this:  the word Heroes is only one letter off from Herpes. 

In the US, I would certainly prefer a higher incidence of herOes flare-ups to the latter.

How to make anything a spiritual metaphor

I just came home from a run.  I don't have asthma, but...

I was thrilled to have the coffee all ready for me upon my return.  Latest and greatest according to Pretentious Coffee Drinkers:  add cocoa powder to the coffee.  Some say that's a mocha, [and they would be correct].

Reaching in the refrigerator to acquire the milk to complement my Honey Nut Cheerios, I instinctively retrieve a bottle of Bud Light Golden Wheat instead.  Slightly embarrassed, I quickly make the exchange before Jordan (the dog) sees my fumble. 

I then begin to think metaphorically about a spriritual life application.  What's the message behind all this?  I create a list to stay organized, making sure to indent at the appropriate places.  Arrows thrown here and there.  You can even let the arrow refer back to the original statement.  It's allowed.  I highly recommend it to all you simple folk who see things as coincidences, without correlation.  Those ideas don't exist in my world.

What if...

1. The beer represents the old life.  Wake up, find yourself craving the dog that bit you.  Wondering if it would taste good over oatmeal.  Would it satisfy my grain requirements for the day? 
2. The milk is a step in the right direction.  Healthful food.  It's stood the test of time, being paired with Cheerios since General Mills and his men survived the winter with the supplication of a single "O".  It's the greatest history lesson never learned.
<WAIT, milk?  Doesn't the NT refer to milk as something for spiritual babies?  I am NOT a mere babe.  I'm a grown woman. 
3. To be a real spiritual giant, you HAVE to eat beef at every meal.