Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Thank you, Lord, for speaking through your children..

"The more clearly we learn to recognize that the ground and strength and promise of all our fellowship is in Jesus Christ alone, the more serenely shall we think of our fellowship and pray and hope for it." -Dietrich Bonhoeffer

I absolutely love this book LIFE TOGETHER by Bonhoeffer where the above is quoted.  I honestly don't know why I've never finished it.  I have gotten to that final chapter like three times, and then sort of assumed that I got the main message and set it aside.  I'm a quitter.  Seriously.  I have countless other books on my shelves that are all mostly read.  I don't know how the suspense never kills me.  But there it is, plain a simple. I start strong and lose steam.

It is because of this realization that I am able to accurately attribute any completion in my life to God Himself.  It is not without fervent prayer that I continue to follow God's path for my life.  And as of late, I am being reminded of the importance of FELLOWSHIP in our walk.  I recently shared my struggle to finish anything with my good friend Erin.  We started as acquaintances, and by the providence of God Almighty, we moved to becoming prayer partners, close friends, running buddies, and SO much more.  God doesn't make mistakes.  He knew I needed someone like Erin who is so on-point with getting stuff done, and I only hope that I am able to return the many acts of service and friendship she has given me in these last several months we've been 'friending'. 

My mind has been so clouded by my to-do lists, future plans, politics (yeah, yeah), and other miscellaneous fun-suckers lately.  And I all of a sudden became very aware of how far I felt from my Creator.  I had forgotten Him along the way, and at that moment, I was ashamed for the way I could drop my bestie so easily.  I recounted times when He and I had been so close.  When I was waking up at 4:45am to meet with Him.  Times when I had stepped out in faith, only to fall into the loving grip of the Almighty.  The complacency is more than I can stand.  How do I return to that place of light and joy and adventure and fearless obedience?  How did I get to this gray place?

And no sooner does this realization happen, and God is SO faithful to meet us right at the place we cry to Him!  In this particular instance, He did it through His people.  A friend after church, a co-worker, another friend who is really hurting right now in every possible way.  I'm awake in my bed, snoozing my alarm this morning at 5:40am, and my co-worker Jamie texts me to ask where in the Bible I'm reading this morning.  OK!  I'm up!  And then my girlfriend Bethany sends a note of encouragement to remind me of places in the day when I can be considering God - in the metro, in the SBUX line, in the bathroom (for real!).

Thank you, Lord, for sending your Holy Spirit to speak to us and through us!  Your Truth is spread through the work of your children, and I am a reaper of this harvest.  It is my joy to also serve You by speaking your truths to others.  I will continue to exclaim your goodness to those around me who need to hear from You - to those who are hurting, those who have prayed for understanding, those who need healing, those who want to share in the inexplicable peace of knowing You!