Saturday, April 30, 2011

The Span of His hand is as vast as the universe.

Friends, this will be a succinct, laceless post today. My Internet refuses to work at the house (even though it has 5 bars); so I'm typing from my iPhone. I know, it's a rough life. Pardon my spelling errors today (and today only). I made a commitment to write about God's many attributes over the next 40 days in memory of His 40 days on earth after rolling away the stone (Great, now I have a Mumford and Sons song playing in my head).

But Internet woes aside, I have found God to be both logistical and timely. It's my blog; so I can write about 2 character traits if I want. I can write about 10 if I wanted.

Logistics. I can appreciate this one. Growing up, I was an imaginative little kid. My friend Steven, Emily and I once planned to tie a bunch of balloons on a chair and fly. Oh, to soar far above Woodbridge AFB, maybe even make it to Bentwaters down the road. We aimed high. Pun intended.

Never once did we consider the flight and wind patterns, the fact that 3 kids and a thousand helium balloons and a lawn chair might look a bit suspicious, how we would go to the bathroom, and how we would get down when it was lunch time. None of that mattered because we were Ballers. We needed a logistical mind to come in, to make sure all those deets were covered.

Thank God that I don't run the world. I'd eff it up pretty quickly. God gives us a purpose and a path. Instinctively, I'm gonna look down and see a rickety rope bridge, and tell God, "Yeah right."  But He's got all that covered. As The Span of His hand is as vast as the universe, He can surely catch my lanky self IF the ropes break. Plus, He's already walked the path; so He knows where the road narrows, when the weather is going to get turbulent, and when I'm going to take pit stops to buy my slim jims and cheese puffs. He's made the way, and He will see us through to the end.

Finally, God is a timely God. I had it in my head that a particular situation was supposed to happen in a particular sequence. I had a strategic plan, and I sure didn't need God to mess that up. But thanks that He did. He started giving me a hard time from Monday night. Stripping away each brick I had laid. Then, He put a chapter in the Bible in it's place. Or a friend's advice. Or a little chat with Daddy Ren. We don't have lengthy heart to hearts often. We have an unspoken bond more often. But God knew I needed a word. Good thing He knew. All this to say, my plan for success was another lawn chair situation, in need of a side cooler and an outhouse attached. But He knew I wouldn't listen to logic all at once. That would be silly. So over the course of a week, He has cleared plan A, and replaced it with Plan "Awesome".

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