Saturday, December 17, 2011

Somebody's baby

A sobering thought has been held captive in my mind in recent years.  I look at many of the people I see in the hospital, on the street, even the bitter individual you see often in everyday life.  I think about their day to day, what they must be thinking as they try to fall asleep, how they perceive their environment - all these elements contributing to how the world sees them on the exterior.

The harsh lines on their faces tell a story.  Begging for money or narcotics or attention - to feed something far deeper than physical need.  I can guarantee that none of these individuals planned to grow up to be in this position.  Sometimes I see the morbidly obese struggling to even change positions in a chair.  They look so uncomfortable all the time, persistently out of breath.  I can guarantee they didn't plan to get there.

What's so ironic is the common thread all of us share.  We were all someone's baby at one point.  Even if a child was born into a troubled home, the miracle of life still seems to change those parents' perception - even for a short while.  Someone used to hold each of us, not wanting us to face any harm.

To see the people in this light can help us show love in the most difficult situations.  Sometimes as I am being harassed by unruly patients or family members at work, I can sense another being in the room.  It's as if they are yelling at the disease or the pain or someone in their past.   I was just the next schmuck who crossed their path.  But I can definitely channel their angst to the only one who can bring healing.  A healing that far surpasses the efficacy of any morphine, relationship, or monetary amount.

When you begin to visualize the evil spiritual shield around the minds of many, you can see why some people are so vehemently opposed to messages of love and peace that bear the name of Jesus Christ.  Only through devoted prayer can that wall be conquered.  When the Western World is willing to acknowledge the spiritual war that continues even without their consideration, only then will the hope found through prayer be recognized.

"I don't pray to change God.  I pray to God because it changes me." (CS Lewis)

I would venture to say THAT is one of my missions here on earth.

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