Thursday, May 5, 2011

God is proclaimed throughout Creation BY Creation

Each time I enter a different climate, looking at the landscape, it's cool to see the different ideas of our Designer.  There are a few destinations in particular that reel me in more than others.  For starters, anywhere with a cliff.  Something dangerous looking.  Yeah.  So it's no wonder Ohio and I are not on speaking terms.  But God even put beauty in places I wouldn't imagine.  Rows and rows [and rows] of corn can actually be charming :)

If I was given the pencil and paper to sketch the design of the universe, I would need more than a week.  I would need more than a lifetime. And I have this habit, when I'm sketching or painting, where I will get about 3/4 of the way through.  I love it.  Best work ever.  Then, I'll mess something up.  I'll draw a line too bold in a dark paint.  Or something to the same degree.  Then, I toss the canvas.  It's ruined.  Ruined.  (I can be dramatic too, I suppose).  I refuse to hang something on my wall with a big gaping mistake.

And creating it was just the beginning.  After two wardrobe malfunctions  (Adam and Eve) in the garden, God still allowed His workmanship to hang on His wall in His office.  I bet God's office is cool. 
1. Ergonomically sound desk chair. 
2. A bike lane available all the way to the office. 
3. A coffee pot that brews the equivalent of milk and honey (not something that tastes like some beach ugly's old cigarettes).
4. The most epic Pandora radio station..

Unlike me, God didn't mess up His masterpiece.  The masterpiece messed up His masterpiece.  But He still smooths out the crooked lines and paint drips and makes it beautiful again.  When his Son Jesus came to earth, that's what He was doing.  Pulling ugly paintings out of the trash and trying to put them back on His wall.  And He does it beautifully. 

John doesn't write further than a few verses into I John before he explains the procedure.  Christ came.  He did some sick-amazing things.  We all stood is awe.  Then, the next appropriate thing to do was write about it so others could stand in awe as well.  He can't help but proclaim the good news about God's desire to put us back out in the exhibition, all dazzling and REnewed.

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